The Croghan Meat Market, Inc. is a specialty meat processing plant and retail store located in Croghan, New York. The plant operates to create traditional, quality meats for conscious consumers who take pride in their meats and eats. Under daily federal processing supervision and guidelines issued by USDA regarding product production and safety, the plant is owned and operated by generational meat cutters and owners who are always crafting the finest product for consumers. Our retail store operates out of the same building on Main Street in Croghan and is the same location that has produced world famous Croghan Bologna and Croghan Smoked Breakfast Sausage since 1888.

Frederich (Fred/Fritz) Hunziker founded the Croghan Meat Market in Croghan, NY in 1888 starting his business with his own ring bologna recipe brought with him from his hometown of Weanea, Canton Meru, Switzerland. In 1910 the first member of the Campany family, Elmer (Buddy) Campany began work at the market and in 1913 Carl Nuspliger, Fred’s orphaned nephew, began working at the market at only 14 years old. In 1921 the sale of the business is finalized to Elmer Campany and he will eventually sell the business to his two sons, Anthony and John Gilbert Campany and to Hunzikers foster son/nephew, Carl Nuspliger in 1951. Sixteen years later Carl Nuspliger retired from the market which he had worked at his entire life and since his retirement he had gone to the post office each day to pick up and deliver the mail for the market until his passing (1983). Shortly after Carl’s retirement John Gilbert’s son, John Michael Campany started working at the market much like Carl at the age of fourteen in 1969. In 1986 Anthony Campany retired leaving John Gilbert Campany the sole owner who eventually sold the business to John Michael in 1995 the same year John Gilbert passed away; he worked at the market until the day he died. In 2013 the business is sold to John Michael’s daughter, Blaine Elizabeth Campany, and the two continue to run the business to this day expanding the wholesale business and online sales across the country.
If you only have a minute read this:
But if you have time this is really where it all started…
Ok, history buffs! We’ve put together a comprehensive timeline for any of you interested in taking a deep dive. Better get reading!
Year 1800-1883
April 4- Frederich (Fred/Fritz) Hunziker is born in Weanea, Canton Meru, Switzerland (from Jan 4, 1934 Journal & Republican) Actually this should be Wyanau (pronounced VeeNow), Canton Bern 20 miles south of Basel.
Fred Hunziker comes to the United States and settles in Croghan - which is then called French Settlement. He is 24 years old. Soon after he opens a meat market. He has a brother John Hunziker. Hunziker would sell meat to the lumber camps where his brother John was a blacksmith.
Charles Fenton born in 1829 operates a lumber business and then becomes proprietor of the Fenton House at Number Four. This summer resort is famous throughout the United States. It grew from a single log cabin to accommodations for upwards of 150 guests. Abt. 1900-1910 Elmer‘Buddy’Campany will be the meat cutter here. The place was a mecca for hunters in the winter and fishermen in the summer. (Journal and Republican)
Fred Hunziker is mentioned in the local papers as operating a meat market.
Dec. 25- Fred Hunziker marries Louise Schneeberger who was also born in Canton Bern, Switzerland.
Canton of Bern, Switzerland
Year 1884—1899
Frederich Nuspliger comes to the United States and works as a wagon maker for J.P. Lewis in Beaver Falls.
A Fred Hunziker is listed in the cemetery records for the Old Beaver Falls Cemetery- born 1886, died 1888. (Possibly Fred and Louise’s child). Another listing is Hunziker Infant 1886-1886 (Possibly the other child that Fred and Louise lost in infancy)
July 10- Elmer ‘Buddy’ Campany is born, son of Frank and Elizabeth “Libby” Denesia Campany.
Hunziker’s ring bologna is becoming well known in the lumber camps. Lumbermen called it Croghan Bologna. Being officially recognized, the Croghan Meat Market, uses this date to identify the beginning of their existence even though local papers possibly date the establishment back to 1871 and 1879.
Fred Nuspliger marries Rose Schneeberger, sister to Fred Hunzikers wife.
June 10- Carl Nuspliger is born, nephew to Fred Hunziker.
Fred Hunziker and Louise Schneeberger
Elmer ‘Buddy’ Campany is the meat cutter at the Fenton House at Number Four.
March - At 1pm fire was discovered coming out of the roof of Fred Hunziker’s meat market. The fire caught in the attic and had made considerable headway before it was discovered. The fire company responded as soon as the alarm was given and they soon had the fire under control. Mr. Hunziker carried insurance on the contents. (Journal and Republican March 31, 1909)
Elmer Campany age 22 goes to work in Croghan for Fred Hunziker who is now 63 years old. June 30-Master Carlton Valin had the misfortune to cut his right hand quite badly. He is employed at Hunziker’s meat market, and while operating the sausage grinder met with the accident. (Journal & Republican June 30, 1910)
Oct 23- Carl Nuspligers mother dies, Carl is about 12 years old and goes to stay with his aunt and uncle Fred and Louise Hunziker. Fred Hunziker is 64 years old.
Spring- Croghan Fire- Meat Market in Croghan is re-built with stone bricks which match other buildings built after the fire.
Carl Nuspliger begins working at the meat market, he is 14 years old.
Year 1900—1913
Top: Elmer 'Buddy' Campany Right: Carl Nuspliger
Year 1919—1924
January 18- The safe in the meat market conducted by Frederick Hunziker was robbed of $100 Saturday afternoon. Mr. Hunziker had gone out on business and his clerk Jacob Schneeberger, was employed at the rear of the building. The safe had been left open and the theft was discovered by Mr. Schneeberger who noticed that Mr. Hunziker’s apron which was lying on the safe had been partly closed in the safe. A thing of this kind is a rare occurrence here and it is to be hoped that the thief may be apprehended.(Black River Democrat Jan.18, 1919). April 22- Elmer Campany marries Jessie Bush and the same year he finalizes the purchase of the meat market from Fred Hunziker.
March 3- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Campany have purchased the meat market and residence on Main Street, Croghan for $4,000. (Journal & Republican March3, 1921)
Sept. 23- Carl Nuspliger married Erma Boliver- they have 3 children, daughters Helen and Carol and son Robert.
May 19- Anthony Everett Campany son of Elmer and Jessie is born. His nickname will be “Butch”.
Jesse & Elmer Campany
Year 1927—1945
May 5- John Gilbert Campany son of Elmer and Jessie is born. His was often called “Gilly John”.
July- Elmer Campany’s mother Libby Denesia Campany died.
May 14- Elmer Campany obtains a Trademark to protect his products. July 9 - Elmer Campany’s father Frank Campany died.
July 14 - Fred Hunziker died at age 91
March 7- Elmer Campany, proprietor of the local meat market is making general repairs to his cooler, by replacing coils and full insulation.
Sept. 11- Elmer Campany, proprietor of the local meat market has returned from the Lowville Hospital, where he had been receiving treatment for an infection in his hand and arm for a week.(Journal & Republican Sept.11, 1941) Meat cutting accident, possibly?
September- Leslie (Cooper) Bush suffered a painful injury on his thumb, caused by a cut while working in the local meat market where he is employed as a meat cutter, which became infected. (Black River Democrat Sept. 1942) Note: Cooper is a brother to Jessie Bush Campany- brother in law to Elmer “Buddy” Campany.
May- Stanley Lehman has resumed his work in the local meat market owned by Elmer Campany. He has previously been employed by Mr. Campany, but due to a hand injury, had not been employed there for several months.(Journal & Republican May 25, 1944)
April 5- Louise Hunziker dies at age 80.
Left to right: Elmer Campany, Leslie (Cooper) Bush, Carl Nuspliger, Salesman Griffin
Year 1950—1980
Elmer “Buddy” Campany retires and sells the meat market to his two sons, Anthony and John Gilbert and to Hunzikers foster son/nephew, Carl Nuspliger. He also licenses Anthony Campany, John G. Campany and Carl Nuspliger to use the trademark.
October 6- John Michael Campany is born, son of John Gilbert Campany.
Slaughter House is added to the back of the meat market and slaughter at the High Falls slaughter house ceases. The old slaughter house still exists and is owned by the meat market and is used mostly for storage. The High Falls property was part of the Frank & Libby Denesia Campany farm and was sold to his son Elmer Campany with whom he lived during his final years.
The smokehouse area was enclosed and made part of the meat market building, the original smoke houses remain today with updates through the years.
June 15- Elmer ‘Buddy’Campany died at age 77.
Carl Nuspliger retires from the Meat Market and sells his shares to John G. and Anthony Campany.
John Michael Campany starts working at the meat market at age 14.
The holding pen area of the meat market is added on to the building, per regulatory concerns.
Government requires that the Meat Market is USDA inspected so NY State Inspector, Art Shaw obtains training to become a USDA inspector and he continues to be Inspector In Charge.
July 25 Final grant of inspection. USDA Est. 4480 Now it is a federally inspected plant. Art Shaw is Inspector in Charge.
John Gilbert and Katherine Campany Marriage Photo
John Michael Campany
Older John Gilbert Campany with his brother Anthony ‘Butch’ Campany
Year 1980—1999
June 25- John Michael Campany married Charmaine Ann Virkler, her uncle is Art Shaw, he has recently retired.
Nov. 7- Carl Nuspliger died at age 84 and since his retirement he had gone to the post office each day and picked up and delivered the mail for the meat market.
Butch Campany retires and sells his share of the business to John Gilbert Campany August 14- Adriana Jessie Campany is born, daughter of John Michael and Charmaine Virkler Campany.
June 27- Blaine Elizabeth Campany Is born, daughter of John Michael and Charmaine Virkler Campany.
John G. Campany is semi retired and sells the meat market to his son John Michael Campany. August 18- John Gilbert Campany died; he worked at the meat market until he died.
Meat Market closes for 3 months to do building maintenance and repairs. New tile floors are added along with new coolers and compressor updates. Over $100,000 is spent on this project.
September- John & Charmaine Campany purchase her great grandfathers farm (Jonathan W.Farney) on the Brewery Road and start raising some of their own beef.
Top: John M with Carl Nuspliger Middle: John G. Obituary Picture Bottom: 1996 Renovations
USDA requires HACCP regulations which are a huge regulatory demand.
A former employee returns from college and has an interest in purchasing the meat market.
July- The employee decides to not purchase the business at this time in order to pursue their passion in a different career. Adriana and Blaine Campany step up to help their father John M. Campany run the business, including doing all the slaughter. John and Charmaine Campany sell their beef cattle to cut down on the work load.
Anthony ‘Butch’ Campany died. Blaine Elizabeth Campany finishes her bachelor’s degree to return home and wants to take over the family business.
Croghan Bologna turns 125 years old! Blaine introduces the business to social networking sites and starts to update the company, while finalizing the sale of the business.